A meeting was held towards the end of April at SARS / Regulating Body level regarding Filing Season 2022. The new filing season will commence on 1 July 2022.
It was confirmed in the meeting that 95% of non-provisional taxpayers will receive estimated assessments, and not ‘auto-assessments’ as in previous Filing Seasons. This may cause alarm with tax practitioners and taxpayers alike. Estimated assessments are defined in the Tax Administration Act (‘auto-assessment’ is not defined), subject to section 179 of the TAA permitting tax collection via third parties.
There are tax dispute remedies in the TAA available to assist when these arise. It is therefore vital for taxpayers to review the intended estimated assessments to ensure that all information reflected in the tax return is indeed correct. Fidelis Vox would gladly assist if this is not the case. Please contact Suzanne Smit at suzanne@fidelisvox.co.za.
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