Our Vision
Maximising value-based family wealth

Fidelis Vox is the trusted voice of passionate and skilled individuals who work together in an agreed value system to maximise your Family Wealth. Fidelis Vox applies our values to serve you and your family in a compassionate way.
We are mindfully present to hear and understand your deepest needs and desires. We work with you to unlock your values and vision, and to embed them in your wealth strategy to secure your legacy.
We take your hand and the hands of your next generation loved ones and beneficiaries to ensure that your legacy stays secure and that your objectives are fulfilled. We ensure that our skills, knowledge, discernment and strength are always at the forefront of change to serve you and your family in the best way possible.
Fidelis Vox offers global solutions to meet your needs. We give you peace of mind and the freedom in knowing that we care.
Our Values
Soli Deo Gloria
Family Values
We embrace family values and the ownership thereof to make it fully alive to leave a legacy. Every family member has special gifts to play a unique role in the family legacy.
We deliver a consistent service of excellence. We are a constant in your life. We cultivate long term relationships with you, our client. We are there for you.
We empower by educating and re-educating. We are committed to impart and share our experience and knowledge to empower and to help your loved ones to stand secure in their identity and self-worth as individuals.
We stand for integrity, honesty and openness. We accept and acknowledge when we are wrong and have made a mistake, apologise and work towards rectifying it. We speak the truth, even though it might not be what you want to hear.
Wealth can be used and maximised to establish your legacy. Every human being wishes to leave a legacy to be remembered for, long after he/she has gone from this earth. Each of us wants to make a difference to other people, our planet, our environment, or humankind in general in some or other way.
We make sure that we are always up to date and at the forefront of any changes that may affect you. Our services to you are of the highest quality and standard, and we always work hard to excel for you. We are committed to continuous learning, and our growth.