2022 is coming to an end…
The year is rushing to an end. New Year’s resolutions are way back in the past – whether they were met or discarded along the way. But we all have a to-do-list to complete and tick off before we close our suitcase, lock our front door behind us, and leave on our well-deserved December […]
Nominating a guardian for your minor children in your Will and practical implications to consider
One can nominate a guardian or guardians of your minor children in your Will who can be appointed as such upon the death of all legal guardians. When you nominate more than one person to be the guardians of your minor children, they will be co-guardians and will have to make all the decisions jointly. […]
Wills: Information and decisions to consider
When drafting a Will, certain information is required to ensure that all relevant information is taken into account in the estate planning process and important decisions will need to be made. The Will drafter will need to know your marital status and the details thereof, such as whether the marriage is in community of property […]
What happens to your social media accounts when you pass away?
Most people have at least one social media account, but what happens to your social media account when you pass away? Some social media platforms, like Facebook for example, have a setting where you can choose what must happen to your account after your death. You can either choose to have your account memorialised […]
Letter of Wishes: The what, why, when, when not, where and how
by Gina Lazarides What is a Letter of Wishes? A letter of wishes is a private document that is generally not enforceable and binding in law, which is written supplementary to a will and testament or a trust deed. It provides useful guidance as to the deceased’s wishes to executors, guardians and heirs […]
Estate planning for South Africans around non South African assets
You may need a separate Will dealing with your non South African assets. A Will drafted and signed in South Africa may be, but is not always, sufficient to deal with your South African and non – South African assets. If you have, for example, externalised your discretionary foreign investment allowances and now […]
A health check for your Last Will and Testament
A health check for your Last Will and Testament Your last will and testament is one of the most important documents you’ll ever execute. While most of us would prefer not to talk about or plan for a time when we’re no longer around, your family will be grateful if you’ve seen to it […]